Transforming an abandoned railroad right of way into the Whittier Greenway Trail, a 4.5-mile recreational and commuter bikeway and pedestrian path, took 12 years to plan, fund and build — but it was worth it.
The City of Whittier (pop. 87,128) is located in Los Angeles County, 12 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Nearly 300 traffic collisions occurred between 1995 and 2005 within school zones on the city’s arterial streets. To avoid walking on the streets, many children used an abandoned Union Pacific Railroad right of way to get to school. Along this unsupervised route they encountered criminal activity, including drug use and harassment, along with illegally dumped trash and other hazards.

“The community was anxious to improve the overgrown, vandalized railroad route that traversed the heart of the city and eliminate the crime, homeless camps, trash, graffiti and gang activity that the abandoned property attracted,” says Mayor Greg Nordbak. “Residents campaigned for an off-road bike path so families could safely ride to schools and parks without using major arterial streets.”
Whittier began planning, negotiating and acquiring funds in 1997 to purchase the 4.5-mile abandoned property and develop it into a bicycle and pedestrian trail. The corridor purchase and development were funded with $15 million in federal, state and county grants. The city completed the project and opened the trail in January 2009.
The Whittier Greenway Trail begins on the western city boundary near Los Angeles County’s San Gabriel River Bike Trail and traverses Whittier, linking schools, homes, parks, shopping areas and transit stops. The trail comprises a 12-foot-wide asphalt path for wheeled traffic and a 5-foot-wide decomposed-granite path for pedestrians. The entire trail is ADA accessible and has dog comfort stations, large mile markers and smaller on-path quarter-mile markers to assist visitors with location and distances. Public art and interpretive exhibits dot the trail. Residents use the Whittier Greenway Trail for transportation, recreation and simply enjoying the outdoors.
Safety monitoring is an important component of trail operations. Graffiti, trash and litter are removed seven days a week. For extra security, the Whittier Police Department patrols the trail with small dual-sport motorcycles, and regular police patrols monitor segments of the trail by visual assessment from each intersection.